Addison left her shoes behind on 4-30-10 to walk bare foot with Jesus on the streets of gold

Addison left her shoes behind on 4-30-10 to walk bare foot with Jesus on the streets of gold

Thursday, June 3, 2010

1 Month Later...

It's SO hard to believe it's already been 1 month since our baby girl went home to be with Jesus. Just seems like yesterday I was going into labor in hopes that we would be bringing her home a couple days later as a strong,healthy baby. The Lord had other plans though,and took her to be with Him,and so she will grow up with her heavenly Father. She is there waiting for us to come,and she will show us all around heaven when the Lord brings us home someday. I can't wait for that day! Heaven is sweeter more and more each day,and I long to see my Savior face to face and to hug and hold Addison. She is such a blessing to me,and I am thrilled to call her my daughter. It's really hard not having her here, but I know she is having the best life there in heaven with her Maker. He is raising her far better than we ever could,and is caring for her in a way we never could. It's so neat to think that she gets to experience a very personal relationshp with Jesus that we can not understand until we get there and are with Him too. I am so glad that we can have personal relationship with Christ,because we have put our faith in Him,but I long for the even greater closeness we will have with Him someday in paradise. Addison gets to experience His love and she is now a thriving,healthy girl who now knows how much she was and is still loved. We miss her greatly,but we are so honored and privelidged to know that Jesus loves her SO much that HE wanted her to be in heaven with Him so He went ahead and took her to be with Him. It was a lot sooner than we had ever dreamed,because we dreamed of bringing her home to raise her on this earth..but how special that we were chosen by the Lord to bear this burden and let her go be with Him so soon. I could go on and on about how the Lord is sustaining us,and helping us through this time,and I could share for hours on how He has comforted us during this very difficult time,but I know you don't have enough time to read it...;) The Lord is my rock and my shield and it is through Him alone that I have the strentgh I need to get through each day. I want to share some scripture that the Lord has used to encourage me in the last several weeks and days,and I pray He will do the same for you....

Hebrews 10:23
Let us hold fast the confession of our HOPE without wavering for HE who promised IS FAITHFUL.

Hebrews 6:19
This HOPE we have as an anchor of the soul,a HOPE both sure and steadfast and one which enters within the veil.

Job 1:21
The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; Blessed be the name of the Lord.

Psalm 105:4
Look to the LORD and HIS strength;seek HIS face always.

Psalm 12:5-6
But I trust in YOUR unfailing love;my heart rejoices in YOUR salvation. I will sing to the Lord, for HE has been good to me.

Psalm 16:8
I have set the LORD always before me. Because HE is at my right hand,I WILL NOT be shaken.

Thank-you again for all your prayers,love and support during this time! We really appreciate it!!! You are a blessing!

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